PeerY: incentivized peer review platform

Solving scientific publishing by aligning incentives from both publishers and scientists

The Problem with Scientific Publishing

Scientists write, edit and review papers, while publishers charge publication fees and subscriptions to their journals. In other words, scientists do all the work while publishers get all the profits. Previously, this was justified by the small market of the scientific community compounded with printing and distribution costs. In the internet age, with most journals providing their content digitally only, printing costs are zero and distribution costs are drastically reduced. Yet, subscription and publication fees have increased! Publishers justify this cost by the value they add by filtering (editorial work) and organizing the peer review process.

There are currently little to no incentives for scientists to perform peer review. Because of this, scientific editors have great difficulty in finding suitable reviewers for scientific manuscripts, leading to delays in the time to acceptance and poorer quality of reviews. This situation has lead to what is known as the reviewer crisis.


Our Approach

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics

Incentivized Peer Review

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A Trusted Reputation Score

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Open Peer-Review

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Powered by Smart-Contract

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Optional Annonymous review

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Enforceable Deadlines for Editors

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Facts About Scientific Publishing

The scientific publishing market is currently dominated by a few large corporations...

  • 28000

    Peer-reviewed journals in English
    • 2500000

      Peer reviewed papers / year
      • 3500

        Average fee for publication (USD)
        • 12

          average time from submission to publication (months)

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